Sex Therapy

Sexual dysfunctions are very common problems, both in male and females,

Sexual dysfunctions are very common problems, both in male and females, which is rarely talked about. We feel shy to discuss this even if it is causing serious conflict among the partners. Often unscrupulous quacks take the advantage of our shyness and peddle useless powders, potions, massage oils or instruments which are not only exorbitantly expensive ,but also plainly ineffective for the simple reason that sexual dysfunction primarily originates in brain, not in sex organs. Lot of patients who think they are having serious sexual problems are actually having lack of proper knowledge about healthy sexual behavior. Scientific studies are unanimous that sex therapy, and not any magic powder, potion or oil is actually the only effective alternative to treat sexual dysfunctions along with pharmacotherapy for certain common comorbid psychiatric and physical illnesses often found in these patients.
Manobikshan department of Family and Sex Therapy is till date the ONLY specialized department in North Bengal providing this specialized service. We boast of highly experienced sex therapists who are working relentlessly to bring back the marital bliss in many unhappy families.